Evangelism De Rigueur
Supervening Geo-Strategic Vision
Rediscovering Evangelism of All Time, Supervening Geo-Strategic Vision, Road-map, Mapping Blueprint.
A Road-map of the Holy Spirit whose logic is discernible in the pattern of Paul's missionary journeys, provides guidepost to this flagship, Council for Global Evangelisation. It's a sensible, rational path to the nations, to Gentile world of dialects and languages, ethnicities and foreign peoples of far-flung empire, so to speak.

Beginning at Jerusalem, then to Judea and Samaria, vision of blinding light blazes far and wide to uttermost part of the earth; Asia, Phrygia, Galatia, Cappadocia, Pamphylia, Pontus as far as the Black Sea; Egypt, Libya about Cyrene, Crete, Arabia, Parthia, Medes, Elam, Mesopotamia, and to Rome.
Jesus, it seems, has found in Paul, a man who can comprehend strategically and who grasps intellectually, and will undertake grand historic mission.

Preaching the Kingdom of God since 1992...
'...the abundance of the sea shall be converted unto thee, the forces of the Gentiles shall come unto thee' Isaiah 60:5
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Miracle Rain Ends 3 Year Drought
The Marshall Islands has had no rain for 3 years. Daily water rations courtesy of US Military Base. Our plane touched down when suddenly a gentle rain began to drizzle.
As we walked across the tarmac we began to pray that God by his hand stay the rain. A nation was waiting for our Gospel event to kick off tonight. Instantly the rain had stopped and we thanked God for hearing our prayer.
But when the evening came and the preacher mounted the stage with the ocean to his back, the wind got really boisterous and the pulpit and everything else were almost blown into the sea. And it began to rain down the storm.
It was miracle rain. For the Marshall Islands God just broke the spell of a long and difficult drought.
The last we heard the rain never stopped for at least 7 years.
A Policeman hears a voice speaking to him from heaven
A Law enforcement officer, of a significant police department, was on patrol on the final day of the event and he heard a voice speaking to him from heaven, instructing him to join the rest of the people gathered at the event and to listen to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but at the thought of it he baulked and wished to resist.
Later he told us that in the instant God had nearly killed him - ripped the heart out of him - and this was not metaphorically speaking, simply real. He then appeared at the venue, presenting his police badge to event staff, who thought that he was coming to arrest the preacher!
Within 24 hours the man was transformed, he and his entire family having surrendered to faith in Jesus Christ.

'My husband had to work the field and take care of me and my children.'
The eleventh hour miracle had made the world stand still.
‘I had been bed-ridden for six months after a stroke and paralysed the whole side of my body. My husband had to work the field and take care of me and my children. I wished to die so he didn’t have to do so much for me’.
We had prayed the last prayer and sang the last song when we saw a truck coming around and stopping at the edge of the platform and a woman was lifted from the back of the vehicle and carried up onto the stage by four men.
Everyone held their breath. We had on our hands a case of total paralysis. All the eyes were on the preacher, will it happen or won't it happen.
Eton Mills related the story later 'For a brief moment I felt my heart sink but realised this was not about me. It was Jesus Christ, the same yesterday and today and forever. A miracle was about to happen and that was all there was to it.'
Commanded to rise up and walk, the lady had hobbled on her legs and struck her fist in the air and the people gasped. A rise up, take up your bed and walk moment, just like in bible days, and it was happening before the whole city and it was like pandemonium.
The woman delighted the crowd as she walked out to them, parting the Red Sea, as it were. And they danced. They were leaping and praising God all over the grounds.
‘My pastor saw the crusade poster’ she said, 'and he decided to hire the vehicle and to bring me to the arena.'
The illimitable gospel and the miracle of evangelistic vision, that is the Great Adventure.

Out of a wheelchair after 30 years
He sat in that wheel-chair, a twisted hopeless case of Satan’s handiwork. 30 years ago he'd suffered a stroke as he walked on a bridge and today a miracle happened.
God's power touched his limbs. And so amazed he was that he could now walk up and down, up and down.
‘My wife used to care for me, doing everything. She isn’t here now because she doesn’t need to do anything for me anymore’.
Nothing reveals the glory of God like a miracle.
Faith does not subsist in a vacuum. The world is yet to learn just what more the power of the Holy Spirit can do.
There is something about Jesus, something about preaching the Kingdom of God under the open skies.

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